
The First Presbyterian Church of Baraboo, Wisconsin is a congregation of friendly and caring people dedicated to their involvement with church, community, and world projects.

Inside the church

All are Welcome to Worship With Us

We believe that all people are created in the image of God; that all people of color, ethnicity, country of origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identities are valued and called to participate in God's mission to the world. Therefore, with God's help and grace we embrace people with a Christ-like love free from prejudice, shame, ignorance, and fear, and we commit to learn, educate and advocate until all people experience the justice of God, the peace of Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

Our doors are open for in-person worship every Sunday. Understanding that not everyone is able attend in person we offer alternative ways to worship with us:

Watch on TV

Each week TV43 broadcasts our worship service on television. Check TV43 for times.

First Presbyterian Church at your fingertips

Online Streaming

Weekly sermons are available to watch anytime on our Baraboo Presbyterian YouTube channel.

Please subscribe and be sure to tell your friends to watch!

You may also download the sermon-only audio from our Sermons page or listen from your computer right here:

September 15, 2024

We're Searching for a New Pastor

Our church family is searching for a new ordained pastor. If you or anyone you know is looking for a solo pastor calling, please send a resume, references and links to sermon videos. Address an application to:

Pastor Search Committee
First Presbyterian Church
416 Ash Street
Baraboo Wisconsin 53913

Or email an application to: office@presbybaraboo.com

Online Giving

We are excited to announce a new way to help our church grow!

First Presbyterian Church of Baraboo has partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation to create a secure and convenient portal for online giving. The portal website may used to send a one-time gift or you may even set up a schedule to match your pledge.

Click the Give Now button on the left (or scan in the QR code) to get to directly to our new donations page.

Find out how it works or learn more by reading the FAQ. If you still have questions, please contact a member of our Finance Ministry team.

Online Giving

Scan this code to access our online giving page